Kenneth Copeland (Kenneth Copeland Ministries) has for years taught that God intends financial and material prosperity for Christians. His ministry, with the help of his wife Gloria, has stressed the idea of “name it and claim it,” that if one prays for something in faith that God will, without a doubt, grant his or her petition. But a recent failure to have a very specific prayer answered has left Copeland with a “crisis of faith” of sorts.
Copeland admits that his claim is larger than most are willing to make, but feels his faith has been strong throughout.
“By all indications of my faith I should have had that place 20 years ago.” Said Copeland. “If ever I’ve had faith that the Lord would give me something it’s this. I just don’t know what the problem could be.”
Copeland further states that the plans that he has been making for years for the island nation only serve to prove that his faith has been strong all along. His plans include renaming the country.
“Australia will be called ‘Cope-Land,’ get it? That’s clever, mighty clever!”
Other plans include transforming the entire city of Sydney into a private resort for the Copelands.
But 30 years of what Copeland calls “unanswered prayer” has left him discouraged almost to the point of leaving the ministry.
“I’m worried about him.” Said Gloria Copeland “He’s saying things like ‘I just don’t know if I can believe anymore.’ and ‘What’s the point of going on if we don’t have Australia .’ I still believe though, and I’m still praying. I know I’m just going to wake up one morning and find a note on our door saying ‘Australia is yours!’ I’m waiting for that day to come.”

“It’s been 30 years now and still no answer” said Copeland. “For 30 solid years I’ve been praying that the Lord would give me Australia and I’m still waiting. Frankly, it’s becoming rather discouraging.”
I can feel Copeland's pain. I have been praying The God would give me The Federated States of Micronesia for years. Oh well, just got to keep on believing, I guess.
I am really enjoying your blog!
Reformed Pastor
Don't give up! They WILL be yours one day. I know it!
Great stuff, really...
I'll settle for Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan...
Ooh, that's a nice one. I'm thinking Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia.
Thanks for visiting and the comment.
The Green Man has decided that Ken Copeland may well be supervillain material. I will be watching...
I've been praying that God would give me the entire universe and that NASA would be at my disposal. I have plans to put an amusement park on the Moon, and develop a new civilzation on Mars and Venus. Saturn's rings would be cool to play with. One day, the World will be mine!
I think I know what the problem is. This is so helpful for me; I think I'm going to cry. All these years, I've been praying that God would give me Australia, and wondering why He hasn't come through. Now I finally understand!
Joshua & JC,
Gotta laugh. It's funny, if one truly believes in NIACI theology then why settle for a 1.4 million dollar mansion? Ask for a 14 million dollar mansion! Or Better yet, ask for a 140 Quadrillion dollar mansion.
Me, I'm still counting on the planet Mars. I'll keep praying.
Obviously there is some hidden sin in his life or he would have already had it.
If Kenny really wants it I could sell it to him cheap. Trust me Ken. I'm a Christian too. I'll do you a great deal!
Wow, what a coincidence. I've also been been praying, naming and claiming Australia for myself for the past 20 years. For me, it's a family trait to ask for whole countries. After all, my ancestor, John Knox used to pray, "Give me Scotland, or I die!" I must admit though, I left that last part about dying out of my request. I wonder if Copeland's desire for Australia is one he's willing to die for.
I know exactly what he means. I once prayed to the good Lord for a skillion dollars, but instead of skillions I received scallions. I think you just really have to enunciate when you pray.
Sorry, Tom, God already gave Mars to *me* several years ago. If you can see your way to praying in faith for a spacecraft that will get us there, though, I'll consider subletting you a few hundred acres for a reasonable annual rate.
P.S. Heard about your blog through the Wittenburg Door. Nice stuff.
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