You'll enjoy the exciting adventures of Ricky Relativism, with his home-spun relevant interpretations of the Bible. Neo Nate with his all-organic, veganesque wholesome goodness. And Cussy McFoul, complete with U2 enabled iPod.
Don't miss a moment of the post-modern action! Coming in May to the Tominthebox News Network.
can't wait to meet them? what about their pastor? "reverend javahouse blogalot"
staying hip with his flock he has turned his pulpit in for a macbook and his new sanctuary is the local starbucks...
Your cartoon has the possibility to be hysterical from a number of angles, especially the fact that they're all "gents," a problem that the emerging church is trying to address, but still faces.
I'm just wondering, is this a cartoon that is poking good clean fun at the emerging folk or is this expressing some real concerns you have with the emerging church? if you are concerned about relativism or the use of profanity in the emerging church, then a cartoon is not the place to deal with it. Such a cartoon would only take one-sided shots at members of the body of Christ. Satire sometimes has its place in making a point, but dialog is generally a much better way to go.
But if it's just picking up on some quirks, I don't see any harm in it. I just wanted to be clear about where this cartoon is coming from.
I would argue that all of Tom's blogs are an expression of concern. The only problem is...with the exception of the emerging church, Tom has to look for the extremes to poke fun at (Ruckman, Warren, PCC, etc.).
With the emergents, he can start from anywhere, haha.
Another thing, too...
Tom, it's not quite so amusing when it's all true. Good luck finding something absurd in this arena that isn't exactly what goes on. Can't wait to read.
Anyways, I'm going to go drink a beer, color a picture in worship, peruse through The Message, and reflect upon the complexities of my mysterious journey as a beautiful Christ follower...
Cute premise...and a gold star to Fletch for "Javahouse Blogalot"!
Well, I try to keep everything here "good clean fun." As for me using satire to demonstrate the absurdity of those who think relativism and profanity are acceptable in Christianity, I don't have a problem with taking one-sided shots. Not to sound unkind, but this website is not a debate forum. It's meant to demonstrate absurdity by being absurd. The debates are better left for the pyromaniacs.
HAHA, the emergents Lol...this is gonna be funny. Keep up the good work, I love the satire and see the underlying message. God bless bro :)
Well, hopefully the light blue and green skin will help to add a tinge of 'extremeness' to the pursuit.
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