Wright ask the question "Did Moses really meet with the God of Israel when he received the Law at Sinai?" Wright answers this question by examining a number of phrases found throughout the Pentateuch including the words "received" and "saw." He also delves into Moses' motivation for ascending the mountain, surmising that his purpose was not so much to meet with God and to receive the law, but to demonstrate to the people of Israel the significance of his leadership.
Wright also takes us into the mind of ancient Judaism, and what a post-Egypt-enslaved Jew would have understood the word "Law" to mean. Wright's interpretation also helps to further shed light on such events as the golden calf and the significance that the manna turned to worms when it was a day old.
If you want to get to the true meaning of what Moses really said, then be sure to pick up a copy of this book today.
The Amazon listing isn't up yet. Any idea how much it will cost?
Ok - this is plausible enough that I had to check if this was real or not. I actually doubted that you were still doing satire; this is really subtle stuff. The mock-up cover is great too: Moses hardly looks 80-ish, or Semitic. Classic!
If I understand correctly what you're doing here, then I agree that too often we get lured into theological pursuits that are tangential and often dubious instead of maintaining a focus on the clear meaning of the text of scripture.
You have created a new genre -- "stealth satire".
Every church leader knows that "THE REAL REASON" Moses went up the mountain was to get away from the people!
THis book is PURE HERESY... (which by the way is an interesting thought in and of itself)..
Good Stuff :)
Jeff said... THis book is PURE HERESY... (which by the way is an interesting thought in and of itself)..
But of course, books of pure heresy are the ones that shoot up the bestseller lists!
It would be funny to set up a "t-site" that tracked how many people actually tried to pre-order these fictitious works...
TBNN would probably rival amazon ;)
I'm sorry—I thought this was a satirical site.
It's only a matter of time before N.T. Wright shines the light of his superior scholarship on our ignorance about what really went down with Moses.
ooo... The question on the cover sounds very familiar ;-)
The best way to spread doubt is to ask, "Did He really..."
I'm just waiting for someone to write a book called, "What NT Wright really meant." He's actually a Fundamentalist, KJVO, Baptist. He's just been misrepresented by his publishers. Didn't you know?
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