Pensacola, Fl - In an effort to dissuade students from falling victim to "the evils of Calvinism," Pensacola Christian College has begun a new "Hearty Persuasion" campaign against the doctrines. The posters which have been placed all over campus show inspiring artistic drawings of people standing firm for free will against the "heresies of Calvin."

That is a lie!
Actually, it is satire, and it is funny. I spent six years there myself, and they are very anti-Calvinistic. I can just visualize these posters hung in the lobby of the DHA during Bible Conference. Ha!
Seriously though, the Lord has shown his graciousness to me, and I can now thoroughly enjoy this website.
First, thanks carolynj for your support.
Second, Anon, the rule is, if you want to debate about this, that's fine. But as the commenting rules state "YOU MUST HAVE A NAME." So feel free to post further on this, but if you don't use a name then you'll be deleted.
As carolynj said so clearly, this is satire. It's a joke. I make no pretense to be presenting a true situation here. It's fiction, made up to make a point. It clearly states this on our site.
These posters remind me of the pictures of the workers I saw in the Ukraine and Siberia in the mid-nineties. Very fitting for those ardent anti-calvinists both at Pensacola and in the SBC.
Вы хорошо понимала Никол. Если мы соединим, калвинизм не может победит!
team tominthebox:
No speaking in tongues without an interpreter (I Cor. 14:27-28)!
Do we have an interpreter out there? I know of one who could easily do it, but I don't know if she's reading the site today or not. You know who you are R.H.!
Of course, R.H. reads TomintheBox EVERY day! So here is your translation, boys and girls:
Nicole said: "That's funny!"
TBBN replied: "You really understood me, Nicole. If we stick together, Calvinism can never win!"
(I assume this is a continuation of the last poster, which says (after "stand united") "There is no Calvinism!" (a wonderful play on the same kind of pictures in the USSR which used to say, "There is no God!"). Very clever, my friend!
That was my favorite poster...
I meant TBNN, of course. My finger got stuck on the BBBBBBBBB
Actually, Robin, the last poster says not НЕТ КАЛВИНИЗНА! "There is no Calvinism!" but НЕТ - КАЛВИНИЗНУ! "No to Calvinism!" Sadly Calvinism does exist, it still hangs on in a few reactionary places like TBNN, but we Arminians want to eradicate it completely. "Arminians of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your predestination to eternal chains!"
Peter I had no idea that you knew your Dative Case so well! I thought this little story might pull the Russian speakers out of the woodwork.
The last poster actually originally said "нет-фашизму!" I thought I'd just play off of it a little.
I appreciate your sense of humor though. For an Arminian your a pretty funny guy.
с Богом
If you ever create pro-Calvinism version of these posters, please sell them and I'll buy the first four sets. One for me, one for each of my boys and one for my pastor who is as big of a geek as I am.
You're SO right Peter; time I went back to Russia and practiced my dative case some more. I wasn't paying close enough attention... but I did notice that your Russian "M" is not working on your keyboard :-) Need to get that fixed! Still, I'm glad to have eagle-eyed readers checking my grammar(even if they are eagle-eyed Arminian readers). What fun!
Robin, thanks for your eagle-eyed response on ny Russian spelling. We Arninians are putting an early end to Calvinisn by cutting off the last leg the word has to stand on.
Pete, you ARE a clever fellow; you made me laugh out loud! I like the way "Arninian" rolls off my tongue...
This makes me think of a recent video I saw on Youtube . . .
Very funny. As a missionary and an earnest Arminian who tires of people assuming that all evangelicalism = calvinism, this was expecially fun. Just icing on the cake that I'm also a Russian speaker - (nice job on the dative/genitive case distinction, btw). The first poster makes me wonder if the movie "Free Willy" had subversive Arminian themes. I'm actually a Calvinist-Arminian; I was predestined to believe in free will.
4 years for me.
it was a difficult 4 years of being an underground calvinist AND SBCer (hate ALL denominations! DOWN with the Cooperative Program!)
But like another reader stated ... only by the grace of God am I what I am today.
Great post! Wish I could speak Russian!
PCC went crazy on the issue this last sem on Calvinism.
They fired their most popular teacher, Dr. Jerry Hullinger, kicked out several Calvinist's, preached a hard-core sermon aganist it. They had students sign papers saying they would not talk about it. I heard of one guy who had been called up there four times, he had to see the vice-president about Calvinism.
I know this is a very old post, but
when Jim said: "I'm actually a Calvinist-Arminian; I was predestined to believe in free will."
I really did LOL. That is funny!
Total depravity of the mind..Sin
has served his master very well indeed. Thanks for the blog, Ken
The great thing is that God is so sovereign; that, his mind is his own. And Calvary is the best way to beat Original Sin. Still man persists with his will in bondage or free.
Christ is liberty.
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