"This will allow someone to always have this little book with them wherever they go," said Kurt James, editor for the project. "It can be kept in a purse or in a front pocket next to someone's heart. It fits just about anywhere. So we're not so much worried about people reading it. We want people to be comforted just knowing that they have it with them wherever they go, to remind them that their life has purpose and meaning."
The "book" will be available in a number of styles which include a keychain, metal covered, necklace pendant and a double set as earrings. Also, a special micro-autographed edition will be made available to the first 1000 purchasers.
"If this goes well we can perhaps see more and more of these kinds of books being published," said James. "I know that there have been micro-bibles out there for years, but I can bet you there's never been a micro Zondervan Life Application NIV Bible!"
Zondervan plans to release the tiny Purpose Driven Life this summer about the time most people will be going on vacations and traveling a lot. The cost of the "book" varies depending on the style chosen, but the basic design will sell for $9.95.
I guess the smaller size is the best thing they ever done.
It makes it better to lose or misplace.
"The text is complete and unabridged, although it is virtually unreadable without the aid of magnification."
Well, at least now it has value.
....as a novelty item.
A new form of bibliolatry strikes.
Does it have a purpose?
I use mine to shim up one side of the outhouse.
aspiring theologian - don't tell me you've fallen for the "bibliolatry" lie...
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