Some people have thankfully become more tolerant, and some more welcoming and affirming of couples like this realizing that they didn't choose to be this way. What right does anyone have to deny them a happy and fulfilled life? What right does the government have to interfere or businesses deny services? Why are they so often despised by others around them simply because they have a different identity? Shouldn't they have the same rights as everyone else?
Such is the life of parents of small children.
I'm coming out proudly today. I'm a parent. I didn't choose to be a parent. I was born with a strong and powerful desire to have children, raise them, love them, care for them and see them become mature adults. It's my "orientation." It's my insurmountable natural desire to have children.
I first noticed this desire when I was a just a child. At first I didn't understand these feelings and emotions, but as I grew I became more aware of who I was inside. Throughout my college years many around me talked of "living free" or would say things like "I'm never having kids." I would sometimes go along with them fearing ridicule if I were to let them know that I hoped to have five or six kids one day. But I finally had to come to grips with who I was. I was a man who wanted to get married and have lots of children one day. I wanted little kids sitting around a family table eating bowls of Cheerios. I dreamed of Saturdays playing in parks followed by ice cream afterward. I smiled thinking about one day traveling with my family on trips to different places, pushing them around in shopping carts at the store, homeschooling them, and lots of kisses at night.
Today, even in the year 2013, people like us are still facing discrimination. The scowls grow more and more each day. Simply entering a public venue with a kid in tow can illicit looks of ashen horror on the faces of others as they anxiously ponder the possibility that the child might do something disgusting and offensive like make noise or cry. And heaven forbid if a couple dares have more than three children. At this point society feels obligated to dictate to such parents what they should do behind closed doors in the privacy of their own homes. A society that dares not tell others what they should and shouldn't do in their bedrooms, suddenly can tell such couples that they "have too many kids" are "contributing to overpopulation" and that homeschooling their kids is "dangerous" and "narrow minded."
No, I didn't choose to be a parent. I was born this way, and what right does anyone have to deny me the fulfillment of my happiness, to be who I really am?
Bravo! How did you manage to keep your children? I heard that the government in these days takes every last child and puts the parents in separate prisons while they await their execution.
On the other hand, combined with forced euthanasia for retirees and mandated sterilization for government jobs (there's hardly any private sector stuff left), they do have the population down to what it was in colonial times inside of a generation. Perhaps the "rapture" is simply being carried out by attrition.
Dear Mr. Thbslawson,
Thanks for this article. I was in Cameroon, Africa, and a missionary there told me about it.... then sent me the link to your blog so I could read it, too. Interesting perspective indeed. We have 10 children.
I speak on the subject of children and plan to write in the future. I would like to request permission to reprint and use your article. Would you want a full name or other identification attached to the article? Please let me know your desires in regards to this. Thank you very much. My email is the following, MINUS the spaces... davidbennett @ swmi .org
God bless you. (The video about North Korea was creative!)
You are more than welcome to share the article! Thanks.
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